
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Errand

On one weekend, I heard a story from my CM and I'd like to share with y'all and I hope you'd pick one or two lessons like I did. I don't know the title of the story so I'm tagging it 'The Errand' and I might not be able to narrate it word for word or narrate it like he did, however,  I'm going to be pointing our attention to some things. Here goes the story; A father was seriously hungry and needed to eat. So he gave money to his son and sent him on an errand to get food for him. The boy ran out of the house and went on the errand. He got the food in the exact proportions that his father had asked. On his way back,  he saw some of his peers playing football. At first, he stopped and watched them. After watching for a while, he decided to only play 'a set' and continue on his errand. He dropped the food and joined them in playing. Shalewa Babatayo  After the first round, he became the star of the match. He kept playing and playing, he f