
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Missing Brush

I needed a scrubbing brush and I knew my mom bought one recently so I was assured I would get a brush. But, after searching for the brush, I couldn't find it. I had an inclination of where she might have kept the brush. I checked the toilet, the bathroom, the storeroom, and everywhere I could think of. Still, the brush was nowhere to be found. Since she was the one that kept the brush, I begged her to help me find the brush. I knew she would remember where she kept it and we would definitely see it. She said she kept it in the store but I told her it wasn't there as I already looked for it there. Like a typical African mom, she replied with "toba wa ni be kini ki nse fun e?" (Meaning - if I find it there, what should I do to you?) She reluctantly stood up to help me get it. She kept searching but still didn't find it. She was sure she kept it in the storeroom. After a while of fruitless search, she gave up and told me to make do with something else. I was a