
Showing posts from April, 2024

Drive Like the Police is Watching

While driving to church a few weeks ago, I knew that the speed limit was 45mph but I chose to drive way over the speed limit. My excuse was "I do not want to be late to church" (P.S. It's a frivolous excuse because even if I drove slower, I still wouldn't be late to church; I had enough time).  Suddenly, I saw a police car on the side of the road (ahead of me) and I immediately started to slow down to the speed limit of 5 miles above the speed limit so that I was not pulled over or given a ticket. I was listening to the radio while driving back home that same Sunday,  and the radio host shared a similar experience. (It felt like she saw me). She was driving way over the speed limit, spotted a police car, and immediately started to slow down as well. Her son asked her why she did that and she mentioned that she slowed down because she saw the police car. Then her son said, "Why can't you just drive every day like the police are watching" - that word staye