
Showing posts from July, 2022

Calling 911

Shout out to everyone that called, texted and checked up on me after I posted that I just called 911. I called 911 for the first time in my life this past week. Backstory - I was in this 9 day camp which was designed for high schoolers looking to become medical practitioners in the nearest future. I worked as a program team member in this camp and on the 8th day, a kid went missing. He was seen in his room the previous night during the room check but had gone missing in the morning. We looked everywhere for him but to no avail. After looking for few hours, I decided to call the police department of our location and our county but unfortunately, one contact kept ringing and the other was not going through as the police department probably did not work on weekends. In my frustration, I decided to call 911. I told them what the issue was, gave them the needed information, the reasons he might have ran away, his description and all of that. Then, I was told they would send officers to assi