
Showing posts from 2020

Heart Break

I want to end 2020 with one heart breaking experience I had this year. Have you ever been heartbroken before? If you have, feel free to drop your experience in the comment section, along side the lessons you learnt from it. Before I proceed, I would like you thank you. Yes, you. You reading this post. Thank you for being a part of Hephzibah's Diary. I trust God to inspire us to post fresh and blessed contents in 2021.

Have You Ever?

Have you ever felt like you are the only nice person out there? Have you ever felt like you are the only one following the principles of God? Have you ever felt like you are the only one serving God? Have you ever felt like you are the only one staying sexually pure? Have you ever felt like you are the only one that gives? You would be amazed at how many persons are still following the precepts of God.

My Babys' Cry

We have a very cute baby sister in my family. She's five months old today. My baby😍 Whenever she's crying, we try all we can to make her stop crying. We assume she is hungry so we feed her. If she doesn't stop, we assume her clothing isn't right, "Maybe she's too hot" we say. We change or remove her clothes to make her stop crying. If she doesn't stop, we assume her diaper is wet so we change it. If she keeps crying, we assume she wants to sleep so, we back her or do other things to make her stop crying. In summary, we keep assuming and doing a lot of stuffs to make her stop crying. Whenever we get the right reason why she's crying, we make a sign of relief and say "Oh! all she wanted was food" or "Oh! her diaper is dirty", or "Oh! her gum is aching" or "She wants to sleep", etc. Whatever is was or is, we do not rest until we find it out and give solutions which would in turn make her stop crying.


You can be dirty but still be smelling nice My sister runs an online perfume oil store (you can check her Facebook page @Imperial Scents)  A while back, she had a lot of deliveries to make in Lagos but because she's currently not in Lagos, she sent the canisters and bottles to me so I could help her fill the perfume oils from the canisters into smaller bottles and then, do the delivery too. I was on it for like 3 days straight! On one of the days, I didn't have my bath till night and the few people I met kept saying I was smelling so nice (Imperial Scents can do that to you😅) but I was just smiling 'cause I knew I hadn't had my bath. I knew I was dirty.  Then it struck me that the same way I was dirty but smelling nice is the way a lot of Christians are. People see us and make nice comments about us, they tell us we are burning for God, they tell us our anointing is smelling nice but to God,  we are dirty. In fact we are stinking.  The same way I was the only one that

Remove Your Heels

The female gender is indeed one very peculiar gender. We are so blessed, so full of unpredictable characteristics, complexities and all these make up our beauty. Most times when a lady is going to church it is common to see such on flat slippers especially when trekking to church and then when they get to church, they change to their heels. I have had different instances where the male folks keep asking that why do we love wearing slippers from home, wear heels in church, then slippers back home... Most times, I just laugh it off and be like "it's because we are amazing, peculiar, and of course because we are ladies". A while back, I got an entirely different reason. While going to church, me and my sisters ( Fasogbon Bukola ,  Rukky Okoro  and  Princess Oride Tolulope Mary ) wore our flat slippers while going to church. On our way, we decided to take pictures so we had to wear our heels. After taking the picture, I decided to wear the heels to church instead of changin

Why Thank God for What He Didn't Do?

Femi shared a testimony in church, of cheating in an examination hall. So, was he thanking God for not getting caught while cheating? Ade was promoted at work based on a shady deal and he came to church to appreciate God for his promotion. Samuel stole money and he came to church to testify that God provided for him. Sandra sold her body to get a job and testify that God did it.

Shalewa, Don't be Distracted

Few weeks ago, a friend of mine,  Rukky Okoro  wanted to celebrate her birthday so we ( Fasogbon Bukola  and I) decided to go to the market with her to get some ingredients for cooking so as so make the celebration plum. Before we left the house, I decided to go along with some money to buy attachment to complete a braided wig that I was making. When we got to the market, I started seeing so many things I was in need of and I started thinking of spending the money with me on them. When I saw snacks, I felt like buying, when I saw phone pouch I felt like changing the one I was using. When I saw earpiece, I immediately remembered that my earpiece just spoilt and I needed another. In fact, it got to an extent that I saw pretty bags and couldn't withstand not going to the bag stands. I almost used the money meant for attachment to get something else. It was that bad that Rukky Okoro had to start singing " Shalewa, Don't be distracted" in my ears. When I didn't heed,


Hephzibah's Dairy The picture above depicts the kind of expression most of us had when we saw the video of the NDDC officer that fainted during corruption probe in the parliament. That incident has led a lot of us to say many things about Nigeria. Things like; "Nigeria is corrupt, kai" "I am tired of this country, somebody should come and carry me away" "We have bad leaders, they are all thieves" bla bla bla... But really, aren't we all corrupt? Excuse me sir/ma, the job you got now, how did you get it? Was the process transparent? Didn't you bribe your way through?  Oh, is it only our leaders that are corrupt? A lot of people that are using PHCN meters have devised ways to hack the meters and people who are yet to get prepaid meters have simply removed cables from their meters; practicing short-circuiting. And these are the first set of people that will throw stones at public office holders. When I was growing up

Go home

(This was originally written 2years ago. However, I am sharing because since the inception of Corona, a lot of people haven't gone HOME.) When last did you go home? A few months ago, I traveled to Lagos. When I got home, there were so many changes on the street, even changes in the house. For instance, there was already a new hotel in front of our house, there was already a club abi bar beside the hotel with so many decorations and colorful lights. The changes also brought about other changes. For instance, because of the bar and hotel, every night is always noisy with deafening music, the area is always filled with people towards the evening time and sometimes there would be quarrels and misbehavior as per people are 'high'. What I am trying to say is that the last time I went home, there were serious changes in the area. Even the street lights were functioning well. The club and hotel kinda made the street more beautiful and colorful, especially at night.

I Know You

I wrote this two years ago. I just stumbled on it now and was blessed after reading it. I am sharing now because it might bless one person too. ... While at work in the early hours of Monday, a "friend of the organization" came around. We all took turns in saying our "hello", " hi", "good morning" and "I'm fine" greetings. It was nice to have him around because it had been a while we saw him. So while exchanging pleasantries, he jokingly told a colleague of mine that he didn't know him but the colleague kept insisting that he knows him. Since it was a joke, we all laughed over it and after a while, the greetings ended. However, as we were laughing, I was very sad. We all laughed but my laughter was but for a moment. As I laughed, the words sank and I was really sad. I realized it wasn't a laughing matter so I decided to call our attention to it. The friend that came visiting was like "I don'

Google Map

Did you watch the video above? I want to tell you the story behind it... "E tele google o, ema je ki google binu" (Follow google map o. Don't let google map be angry) My mom kept saying this and we all kept laughing... She said that because of the previous experience we had, where we refused to following the directions and guidance of Google Map. Once beaten, twice shy they say. Whenever we are going out, and we aren't sure of the way to the destination, my mom advises that we stick religiously to google map. Let me tell you why...

The Errand

On one weekend, I heard a story from my CM and I'd like to share with y'all and I hope you'd pick one or two lessons like I did. I don't know the title of the story so I'm tagging it 'The Errand' and I might not be able to narrate it word for word or narrate it like he did, however,  I'm going to be pointing our attention to some things. Here goes the story; A father was seriously hungry and needed to eat. So he gave money to his son and sent him on an errand to get food for him. The boy ran out of the house and went on the errand. He got the food in the exact proportions that his father had asked. On his way back,  he saw some of his peers playing football. At first, he stopped and watched them. After watching for a while, he decided to only play 'a set' and continue on his errand. He dropped the food and joined them in playing. Shalewa Babatayo  After the first round, he became the star of the match. He kept playing and playing, he f

The Missing Brush

I needed a scrubbing brush and I knew my mom bought one recently so I was assured I would get a brush. But, after searching for the brush, I couldn't find it. I had an inclination of where she might have kept the brush. I checked the toilet, the bathroom, the storeroom, and everywhere I could think of. Still, the brush was nowhere to be found. Since she was the one that kept the brush, I begged her to help me find the brush. I knew she would remember where she kept it and we would definitely see it. She said she kept it in the store but I told her it wasn't there as I already looked for it there. Like a typical African mom, she replied with "toba wa ni be kini ki nse fun e?" (Meaning - if I find it there, what should I do to you?) She reluctantly stood up to help me get it. She kept searching but still didn't find it. She was sure she kept it in the storeroom. After a while of fruitless search, she gave up and told me to make do with something else. I was a