The Missing Brush

I needed a scrubbing brush and I knew my mom bought one recently so I was assured I would get a brush. But, after searching for the brush, I couldn't find it.
I had an inclination of where she might have kept the brush. I checked the toilet, the bathroom, the storeroom, and everywhere I could think of. Still, the brush was nowhere to be found.
Since she was the one that kept the brush, I begged her to help me find the brush. I knew she would remember where she kept it and we would definitely see it.
She said she kept it in the store but I told her it wasn't there as I already looked for it there.
Like a typical African mom, she replied with "toba wa ni be kini ki nse fun e?" (Meaning - if I find it there, what should I do to you?)
She reluctantly stood up to help me get it. She kept searching but still didn't find it. She was sure she kept it in the storeroom. After a while of fruitless search, she gave up and told me to make do with something else.

I was about to make do with something else when I decided to get a touch, lit up the storeroom and still check if it can be found.
Immediately I stepped into the storeroom with the light, the brush was just sitting on the floor, staring at me.
It had been in that position all day long, all through the search. All we needed was light.
Babatayo Shalewa

No wonder Psalms 119 verse 105 says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path".
When God's word (Light) is introduced into any and every situation, light appears, you begin to see clearly, and the situation gets better.
Just as my mom was over-confident about where she kept the brush and finding it, there are times that we have it all figured out and we are so sure. However, without His light, we would only keep struggling and trying to make meaning out of life. His light makes it all easy. His light gives answers. His light erases confusion.

There are some brushes (useful or important things) in our lives that we also need to find. Or maybe you have already been searching fruitlessly like I did earlier, all you need do is introduce light.
All we all really need is LIGHT!
Light helps us see clearly.
Imagine a life that is so lit up. A life that sees clearly. A life that isn't confused. A life that understands the steps to take and not to take. A life that knows what to do per time, A life that has no darkness. The perfect kind of life. A life that has light.

 A life that has light is the perfect kind of life. It is the kind of life you and I should live in. A life that has light is a life that has God, for God is light. Does your life have God? Does your life have the word of God? Is your life well lited?

Examine your life as we proceed in this new year. Find all the missing brushes in your life. Find them with His light. Ensure you are walking in the light. Refuse to walk in darkness. Walk in light and let darkness disappear!
Enjoy another amazing year!
Cheers to our best year yet!



  1. Amazing write up dear
    Keep moving

  2. This got me, nice write up sis. Thank God for Light .

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