
Showing posts from March, 2023


Hello, my diary readers. I hope this diary entry meets you well. I am not really sharing a story today but I just want to write about how I have been coping with the numerous rejections that have been coming my way, with the hope that it might be of help to one or two people. The last few months have been tough. I have literally received more rejections in the last few months than I have received in my entire life. I have been faced with rejections in my academics, career, and relationships so much that I have struggled a lot. Please note that I am not writing this post because I have stopped facing rejections😅. I am only writing to share some of the things I have learned and come to understand with the hope that you would also learn a thing or two. One of the lessons I have learned is never to equate my rejections or failures with my identity . Hey, you are not your failures. It's a rejection email but you are not a failure. The beautiful thing about being a Christian is that our