
Showing posts from November, 2019


Shalewa Babatayo Ajenipa I boarded a bus some weeks ago and everyone to my right and left (everyone on my row) was fast asleep. Before I knew it, I started feeling sleepy. I don't know if my "feeling sleeping" was because others were sleeping already. If you have any logical explanation for feeling sleeping or sleeping because others are doing so, please drop your comments in the comments section. I have also noticed a lot of times that whenever someone besides me yawns, I tend to yawn. Or whenever I yawn, someone beside me is bound to do same. I wonder if yawning is contagious. (I would really loved to be schooled about this so if you have ideas or opinion, I would love to hear from you. Comment below). So back to my initial gist, I started feeling sleepy because I saw others sleep. People also yawn when others yawn. Others even laugh when they see and hear others laugh. I have also been in a bus where a man said something funny and people at the back started l